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The Key to Starting the Day Off Great

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I often get asked about my morning schedule, so today I’m sharing it with you. Years ago, I learned that the most successful people, at least in my business, all had one thing in common: they got up early. To me, early meant 5 a.m., so that’s when I started getting up every day. I quickly noticed that it was a great way to get ahead of my day. Since I enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning, I decided to wake up even earlier—around 4:45 a.m.—to have some coffee, think, and prepare for the day ahead.

After my morning coffee and daily goal-planning, I exercise by doing some yoga, using the treadmill, or even going outside for a walk or run—anything that allows me to feel good about myself, both mentally and physically.

Then, I take a shower and have a smoothie for breakfast. I’ve had the same smoothie almost every morning for at least five years. It’s packed with all kinds of good things: spinach, a frozen triple berry blend, protein powder, etc. At this point, my stomach is full, my mind is good, and my heart is strong.

Since I’m the type of person who wears makeup and takes care of their hair, I’ll do that next before listening to a podcast or reading a book. Over time, I’ve learned that’s a way to think bigger and generate new ideas throughout the day.

Additionally, I write a post in a closed Facebook group called Your Journey With Jenny every single morning. Members can always tell what I’m working on, thinking about, and reading. Click on the above link to get permission to join if you haven’t already!

“When you plan out your morning with a powerful, intentional schedule, the rest of your day falls into place.”

Once I’m through with all that, I’ll connect with my team at 8:15 a.m. to share what we’re grateful for as well as what our intentions and goals are for the day. Then from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., we work on lead generation.

I’ve found that when you plan out your morning with a powerful, intentional schedule, the rest of your day falls into place and you’ll be more positive and ready to connect with others.

Feel free to reach out to me to share your morning routine! If there’s anything I can do to help, don’t hesitate to ask. I’m here for you.


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