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The 5th and Final “S” of the Five-S Model: Sustain

real estate tips

It’s finally time to explore the fifth and final “S” of the Five-S model of customer experience: Sustain. At this point, you’ve set expectations, kept your clients updated along the way, you’ve surprised and delighted throughout the transaction, and now it’s over. Once you’ve done all of this, now it’s time to sustain the relationship in order to create a client for life. 

You need to make them feel special, but it doesn’t require a ton of effort or planning. First off, make sure you call them a few days after closing to thank them for allowing you to help them. This is also a surprise and a nice thing to do. It’s not a call for a referral; it’s purely a gratitude phone call.

To properly sustain a relationship, you have to have a touch program in place. If it’s already built out on your calendar, you won’t forget to keep those who are most important to you in the loop. 

“You have to have a touch program in place.”

So many people think that real estate agents are just money hungry. When you don’t call someone after closing or maintain your relationship with them, you’re essentially proving their point. I know that’s not who you are, so that’s why you need to take steps now to make sure you stay in touch with all of your clients in the future.

Let me know some of the ways that you stay in touch with past clients. We use a lot of events and giveaways to increase engagement, but we’d love to hear about what you’re doing. 

If you have any questions for me in the meantime, don’t hesitate to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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