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How Changing Things Up Can Engage Your Database

real estate tips

Are there events or giveaways that you do over and over again and get similar results? Maybe you can come up with an idea to add to your giveaways and get some engagement, growth, promote a local partner or non-profit, and generate some referrals. Does that sound good?

That’s exactly what we just did with our Yeti for Football giveaway. Every year, we send out a football magnet to our database because, in Oklahoma, football is life. This year, we thought, wait a minute, we’re sending out this magnet; why not add some excitement and do a giveaway on top of it?

We know we’ve had lots of success reaching out to our database and getting people to call in on a certain day or opt in by filling out a form and getting their permission to call them on a certain day. So that’s what we decided to do. You can find the Yeti for Football giveaway on our blog, but what we’re giving away is a Yeti cooler and some coasters that were donated by our amazing lending partner. It was a zero-cost event because we were already spending money to send them the magnets.

We set the rules; they needed to go to our Facebook page, like it, and share a picture of themselves in their favorite sports gear. This is why it’s so cool to be a small business because you can pivot and shift as needed. We were running this event for two weeks, and we realized that not many people were going through with the picture part. In the past, we had done something similar, and we did have success with that. This time, people were saying, “We’re not going for it.”

“The whole point of this is to shake the trees so that eventually the fruit will fall.”
We removed the “post a picture” part and instantly doubled the number of registrations. So pay attention to what’s happening and what your people are agreeing with or not because sometimes you have to pivot. We should all know how to do that because we’ve been doing that over the past 18 months, haven’t we?

We just wanted to remind you that the cool thing about our business is that it’s ours. It’s a relationship-based business, so our database wants to hear from us and have fun too. Let’s give them opportunities to do so.

We also called our clients to confirm their registration, and in that conversation, we got to build real relationships, ask them if they knew anyone who needed real estate help (because that got them five extra points in the contest), and ask them if they needed any assistance or a home equity analysis. The fun part is that we got referrals to add new people, and got to send new CMAs. The whole point of it was to shake the trees so that eventually the fruit will fall, and we’re seeing that to be true.

We just want to know: How are you guys shaking the trees? Are you calling your database or maybe getting them to call you?

If you have questions about how we put together this giveaway or anything else that we can help you with, feel free to give us a call.


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