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4 Steps To Making Your Database Fun

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Follow these steps to have some fun while organizing your database!

What’s this whole thing about gamifying your database anyway? Well, I’m here to let you in on a little secret: There is no trick. All you do is follow the systems and models that have already been created for us. You just have to get into action. So I have found that there are four important things to gamify your database:

1. Know what your rules are. What are the numbers you’re going to measure and the metrics that must be achieved for you to hit your goal?

2. Create the plan. How are you going to do it? When you have a plan, you can be more purposeful, focused, and you can time block for it to ensure it gets done.

“The most important part of any game is having fun along the way.”

3. Have accountability. This makes sure it actually gets done. I’ve found the best kind of accountability comes from someone other than myself, so I’m going to enlist the help of my team, family members, or even a coach.

4. Have fun! The most important thing about any game is having fun along the way.

Let us know some ways that you gamify your database or have some fun with your team to help you achieve your big goals. There are lots of ways to do it. We love sharing the many things we do here in Tulsa with all the people who hang out with us through virtual training and classes. We have lots of stuff coming up, so if you want to join us in the future, feel free to reach out via phone or email. We look forward to seeing you.


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