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Why I’m Running a Marathon in 2019


If we’re connected on social media and you’ve seen any of my latest posts, you know that I’ve signed up to run the 2019 New York City Marathon. 

I used to scoff at the idea of running a marathon, but I realized recently that over the past couple of years, I’ve developed some good habits about getting up early and doing some form of exercise. However, this exercise was usually just walking on the treadmill. That’s why, as I was planning my 2019 goals, I felt like I needed to challenge myself from a health perspective. 

When you start having these thoughts, the right people tend to show up in your life. I was in California recently teaching a business class, and afterward I had lunch with one of the attendees. During our conversation, I realized that although I was supposed to be coaching him, I was going to learn a lot more from him than he was from me.

“If you’re not growing, you’re dying.”

You see, this person loves coaching people too, and he shared with me what his passion and purpose was in life: running. He loves to run, and he has run 37 marathons in his life. Before I left that day, he told me, “I see you running a marathon. I see you as a runner.”

Well, guess what? I have my own running coach now, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do! 

The point of this story is, whether it’s life or business, keep betting on yourself and keep pushing yourself. If you’re not growing, you’re dying. My 46th birthday is coming up soon, and I’m choosing to do something that’s outside of my comfort zone. I’d love it if you could help keep me accountable and motivated along the way. 

As always, if you have any questions for me or there’s anything I can help you with in your career, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’d be happy to speak with you.

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