Tips for Planning Your Pie Day During the Pandemic

Today I’m sharing a few tips for how to throw a Pie Day, even during the pandemic. Traditionally, we hold our Pie Days on the Sunday before Thanksgiving during the afternoon. We found that’s a great day and time to do it—it’s still daylight, and it’s less stressful for people to swing by and pick up their pie. They also get to be the Thanksgiving hero who brings the pie to the table!
For your Pie Day event, make sure you have a sponsor, a nonprofit organization that you can donate canned food or extra pies to, and set a budget. Our team gives away 100 pies, and it’s first-come, first-served. The email blast and promotion goes out to our database and people we know, who are given a link to sign up for their free pie.
It’s also important to confirm the attendees’ choice of pie one week before the event. You could even have a fun call day just to make sure those who signed up still plan to come and pick up their pies—you don’t want to waste any, though in the past we have brought extra pies over to the local firehouses or police stations. Just have a contingency plan for any extras.
Pie Day is an amazing way to show love to all your people, share some delicious food for their holiday meals, and get to safely see them. Masks and gloves should be included in your plans.
Let me know if you need anything for your event or have additional ideas for how we can share the love and provide wonderful holiday pies!
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