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Ask Me Anything: Golden Letters

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Let's dive into a game-changer in real estate marketing – golden letters. These nifty tools, introduced to me by my MAPS coach Jordan Freed, have been a game-changer for teams across the country. So, what's the deal with golden letters, and how can they work for you? Here's the lowdown:

Golden Letter Basics: These letters are all about simplicity and a clear call to action. The goal? Attract potential sellers. Forget wordy messages – keep it short and sweet.

Targeting the Unmet Market: We're focusing on the unmet market here. The script? "Would you be interested in selling your home? If so, here's a phone number. Thank you." No need to overthink it; simplicity is the key.

Strategic Implementation: Timing and location matter. Aim for properties around recent listings in areas with high buyer interest. Be budget-conscious, and expect a modest return on investment for unmet markets.

Tools and Tech: Utilize tools like RedX for data, and spice up your letters with QR codes. Make it easy for potential sellers to access home value information with a simple scan.

Mail Merge and Execution: Keep it simple with mail merge using Google Sheets and Docs. Go for the personal touch – blue ink, handwritten addresses – but don't overcomplicate. Systematize the process for efficiency.

Handling Responses: When calls roll in, have a script ready. Build rapport, gather info, and follow up. Even those just curious about home values can be valuable additions to your database.

Success Stories and Motivation: Here's the kicker – golden letters work. I recently closed a deal that brought in double our average sales price, all thanks to this strategy. Let that be your motivation to dive in.

In a nutshell, golden letters are a game-changer. Keep it simple, be strategic, and watch the results roll in. Cheers to the power of golden letters in real estate! 🌟

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