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Tara Allen Shares Her Real Estate Triumphs | Agent Success Secrets

Agent Success Secrets interview is shining the spotlight on Tara Allen, a rockstar real estate agent crushing the game in Sioux Falls for over a dozen years.

Brace yourself, because Tara's production in the previous year was an eye-popping $76,919,001/260/$2,074896.02, with her sights set on a $78,607,979/$2,108,961/$2.1 Million target for this year, which she's well on her way to achieving.

This boss lady attributes a whopping 87% of her business to happy clients, referrals from lenders, and her database, with nurturing those relationships and cultivating a kick-butt culture being her top priorities. Tara's not just a powerhouse in real estate, though.

She's also smashed the 75 Hard challenge, become a lifelong learner, and run a marathon (no big deal).

Her advice to newbies or agents struggling to keep up? Consistency, taking action, doing the right thing, hiring a coach, and envisioning their best possible life. If she had to start over, she'd focus on maximizing her impact with hired support and following the MREA. To sum it up, Tara believes this business is simple. Believe it, and you can achieve it.

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