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How to Help Your Sellers Price Correctly

real estate tips

It’s no secret our market is white-hot. Today I’m here to explain why pricing matters in every market, even this one.

No matter what market we’re in, price is still the most important factor in selling a home. In fact, I’d say that pricing is 90% of marketing homes. No matter what objections a buyer may have, if a home is priced correctly, it will sell.

In our changing market, how can you help your clients price their homes correctly while still getting top dollar? One thing is for sure: Never guarantee your seller a specific amount of money from selling their home.

“No matter what objections a buyer may have, if a home is priced correctly, it will sell.”
Instead, I show my clients three comparable homes and ask them which one they would buy. I also ask them which one is most similar to their own home. This puts them in the mind of a buyer and allows you to give them an accurate range of what their home will likely sell for.

At the end of the day, we are our sellers’ fiduciaries. Our job is to guide them through the market and get them the best deal possible. We can’t let them overprice their home, but we also have to give them freedom in making the decision.

If your client still chooses to overprice their home, the decision to move forward is up to you. However, if you put a mandatory price adjustment after two weeks into the listing agreement, you can still sell a home even if it’s initially overpriced.

Remember, price still matters, even in our crazy market. If you have any questions about today’s topic or anything else, please reach out to me. I love to hear how you are helping your clients!



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